
Release of tool for time constants correction (Excel)


 1. Excelによる熱量計の時定数補正ツールを作成しました。
 2. 時定数補正ツールのマニュアルを作成しました。

Thermal lag in reaction calorimeters which are used for measurement of thermal hazard of chemical reaction could cause them to underestimate the rate of heat generation. Correction method for estimating the thermal lag using heat pulse and higher-order time constants was studied, and Tool for time constants correction using the result of our studies is released.

 1. Excel based tool for time constants correction of calorimeter was produced.
 2. Manual of the tool was produced.

Release of tool for time constants correction (Excel)
 1. Excel based tool for time constants correction of calorimeter was produced.
 2. Manual of the tool was produced.


The tool consists of two components: "time constants calculation" (heater calibration method), which calculates the optimum time constants from the heat pulse measurement data obtained by the heater calibration method, and "time constant correction", which performs time constant correction on calorimeter measurement data.



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1.時定数補正ツール(In Japanese):ダウンロード [Excel:15,691KB]


1.Tool for time constants correction (English version):Download [Excel:15,612KB]


2.時定数【算出・補正】ツールマニュアル(In Japanese):ダウンロード[PDF:1,939KB]

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