
※『Industrial Health』誌は当研究所発行の英文学術誌です。以下の文章内のリンクからPDF文書をご覧いただけます。


  • 岩切一幸,毛利一平,外山みどり,堀口かおり,落合孝則,城内 博,斉藤 進.VDT作業者の身体的疲労感に影響する諸因子の検討.産業衛生学雑誌 46,201-212,2004.
  • Susumu Saito, Midori Sotoyama, Shin Saito and Sasitorn Taptagaporn, Physiological indices of visual fatigue due to VDT operation: Pupillary reflexes and accommodative responses, Industrial Health, 32, 57-66, 1994.
  • Midori Sotoyama, Maria Beatriz G. Villanueva, Hiroshi Jonai and Susumu Saito, Ocular Surface Area as an informative index of visual ergonomics, Industrial Health, 33, 43-56, 1995.
  • Midori Sotoyama, Hiroshi Jonai, Susumu Saito and Maria Beatriz G. Villanueva, Analysis of Ocular Surface Area for comfortable VDT workstation layout, Ergonomics, 39, 877-884, 1996.
  • Susumu Saito, Hiroshi Jonai, Maria Beatriz G. Villanueva and Midori Sotoyama, Ergonomic aspects of Flat Panel Display and large-size CRT screen, Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Advances in Human Factors/Ergonomics, 21A, 639-642p., Elsevier, 1997.
  • Satoru Abe, Midori Sotoyama, Sasitorn Taptagaporn, Shin Saito, Maria Beatriz G. Villanueva and Susumu Saito, Relationship between vertical gaze direction and tear volume, Selected proceedings of the Fourth International Scientific Conference on Work with Display Units, Milan, Italy, 95-99, 1995 .
  • Maria Beatriz G. Villanueva, Hiroshi Jonai, Midori Sotoyama, Naomi Hisanaga, Yasuhiro Takeuchi and Susumu Saito, Sitting posture and neck and shoulder muscle activities at different screen height settings of the Visual Display Terminal, Industrial Health, 35, 330-336, 1997.
  • Maria Beatriz G. Villanueva, Hiroshi Jonai, Midori Sotoyama, Naomi Hisanaga, Yasuhiro Takeuchi and Susumu Saito, Ergonomic aspects of portable personal computers with flat panel displays (PC-FPDs): Evaluation of posture, muscle activities, discomfort and performance, Industrial Health, 36, 282-289, 1998.
  • Sasitorn Taptagaporn, Maria Beatriz G. Villanueva, Hiroshi Jonai and Susumu Saito, Visual comfort in VDT workstation design, J. Human Ergology, 24, 84-88, 1995.


  • Etienne Grandjean. Fitting the task to the man – A textbook of occupational ergonomics. Taylor & Francis, 1988.